Monday, March 8, 2010

Source of my development.... :)

I remeber the date when I got into the project which he was leading i.e on 27 Nov 2008. Its not that I have not spoke to him earlier, I used to but its totally different experience working with him in his project.
He showed faith in me, given responsibilities and I improved day by day.

He is not just a good leader, he is good person over all. Everyone enjoys his presence; he has good sense of humor, and always makes other laugh. He is kind to everyone.

He is known as a fair leader, believes in people growth, engage team, and respects their aspiration, non-diplomatic. Promote fairness and think out of the box. He is always prepared or geared up. Endless list, that’s why the entire team rather entire office admires him and believe in working in a synergy model. He inspires each moment and there is so much to learn from him.

As he has inspired each one of us in the team. I always wanted to know from him, what's his secret to be focused, where leaders are into spirituality, meditation, workouts. But he is not into any of it.To my surprise he is not into any meditation, spirituality etc. He just follows discipline and work. Though his major source of inspiration or knowledge are books and internet. Apart from that one distinct quality I found was to introspect, talk to himself. Where he is quite and listen his own voice. I think that’s the most important thing.

I learned a lot from him most importantly the style of his communication. Hats off to the leader.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The Questions for which I don't find the Answers.........

How would a animal feel while pulling the load cart?
How would a hen feel when pulled out from the cage to be cut ?
How would a girl from a govt school feel when she see a girl from a rich family?
How would a old parent feel when their children ask them to leave?
How would a mother feel when she is been nagged by her children?
How would a friend feel when the other friend decide to move on?
How would a teacher feel when disrespected by the students?
How would a lover feel when he/she gets to know from his/her partner - I dont feel for you now?
How would a child who lives on the roadside feel when he/she see other kids living a life of luxury?